Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Penn State Bubble

I don't know if I'm alone in saying this but I truly have no idea what's going on in the world. I used to watch the news and read the paper every day. Current events were a love of mine and I used to have elaborate conversations with my Dad frequently. I felt as if I really had a solid grasp on what was happening around me. Throughout my stay at PSU, I’ve found myself utterly disconnected from the rest of the world. New music is non-existent and for all I know, Osama could already be in custody. Television has been completely phased out of my everyday life. Never would I have thought I could survive without one. The rationale behind this phenomenon is simple. Penn State is its own little bubble. Everything we need is within our grasp here in the Valley. There’s no need to venture off. If one really desires their current events, the hub will useful. Headline news is constantly running and newspapers are always available. Although acquiring knowledge on the world outside Penn State is possible and effortless, I never have. To be honest, I love being trapped in the PSU bubble. I don’t even want to know what’s going on because it may interfere with what a great time I’m having. The real world is not something I need to be focused on right now. I don’t need to know how my stocks are doing or what Lindsay Lohan is snorting. All that is necessary is learning my way around campus and becoming familiar with my new world because as of now, PSU is all that matters, and I love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this entry, we can really survive without television. It is amazing the effect Happy Valley can have. But I do wish I could keep up with new music and new movies a little better.