Sunday, July 29, 2007

Freshman 15, Myth or Fact?

When I started hearing about the notorious freshman 15, I immediately dismissed it from my worry list heading into college. There was no way I could gain the extra baggage. I'm just too disciplined. I said to myself, I'll eat salads and work out all the time. I mean, realistically, the only way one could possibly put on pounds, is by eating pure crap everyday and drinking excessively. As hard as I've tried to stay away from the 2200 calorie hoagies, I can just never seem to resist. They are just so damn satisfying. You take one bite out of a "fat bitch" from Are You Hungry and you are in heaven. Canyon pizza is a obligation every weekend night as well. From the hours of 11-3am, beaver ave. is jam-packed with kids craving the stuff. The truth of the matter is that healthy food does not taste good and being in college, we have all the fatty meals within walking distance. I personally, have been eating at Canyon every Friday and Saturday night on weekdays hoagies are the only way to go. It’s so tempting to take five minutes out of my busy day to grab a sub at McLanahans for a couple bucks or get a cheese steak at the mix at Pollack commons. They accept meal points too.

This whole time, I’ve been in denial about gaining any weight whatsoever here at Penn State but I think I’ve come to accept that I most definitely have. I came out of denial when my parents came to visit. I asked my mom “have I gotten fat or what?” Of course she gave me the old “of course not Kev, I think you actually got taller.” Then immediately after, my Dad looked at me and said “well, you’ve definitely filled out.” Thanks Dad. So have you?

Ok, so I’ve put on some pounds. Who really cares? I think everyone should gain 15 pounds so that it’s all equal again. I’m actually going to go get a fat bitch now.

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