Monday, July 23, 2007

Good Times

Growing up, my parents decided to neglect the whole take your kids to Disney world craze. It seemed to me that all of my friends would take family trips to Florida to see the wonderful world of Disney. Well, screw that. I would spend my time snorkeling and swimming in the lagoons in the Bahamas. My most cherished memoires are in Nassau, sitting on the beach with my mom and dad, ordering cokes from the tiki bar up near the pool. The lady would come and hand us a menu from the grill and we would take our time looking it over. I would always order the same thing, grilled cheese and a coke. It was then I became aware that soda actually contained calories. I remember asking my mother, "How can there be calories in a drink? It's a liquid."

After lunch, my dad and I would go and snorkel in the ocean. The water, as clear as glass, warmed my soul. Barracuda surrounded us as we swam. I once saw a Bahamian dollar floating a few feet down and extended my arms to the fullest but couldn't grasp it. My Dad then snatched it and I looked and him laughing. The water slides at Radisson Cable beach were extraordinary. I can recall flying down the warm plastic and plummeting into the pool water. What a time that was.

Deep sea fishing was a shared love for me and my father. We would drive to the local harbor and pay for a crew to take us out. Bahamians are probably some of the nicest people I’ve ever been around and memories of conversing and joking around with them as we made our way out to see clout my mind. One time, I caught seven Barracuda and my Dad caught a few hammer jacks I think they were called. Good times indeed.

For some reason we took a break from paradise to tour England and then Ireland which were phenomenal, but do not match up to Nassau. Freshman summer we returned to the Bahamas with one of my friends and it brought back so many memories.

During winter break this year, we will be traveling to the Dominican which will probably be comparable to Nassau. I cannot wait.


Anonymous said...

Good post Kevin. Growing up, I saw both sides of the spectrum. My family and I did the Disney vacations and the exotic vacations. Whether it was the Bahamas or the Virgin Islands, they will always top any amusement park.

Bcalla22 said...

To answer your Question about the music from one of my previous entries, no I can't find time for the Aug 10 concert with having all the stuff do up here. As for what type of music I like, I enjoy varying types of music from rap to Greatful Dead and things of that nature.